If you know me, you know I am a huge fan of all things cycling and endurance sports-related. My former swimming head coach and track coach, along with my My INTJ / Enneagram 5 personality type, makes a facts-gatherer, research-to-improve-performance type personality. I am always looking at the newest sports science academic studies to see what is being discovered.
So I thought, why not put out my findings publicly to help others. Hence, https://meatmotor.com.
Why the silly name?
Well, because in endurance sports, your body is the engine that makes you go. Most directly the muscles. Muscles are meat. So…. Meat Motor. (It’s funny to me, at least).
We decided with a silly name we needed an even goofier logo….
So far we have a crazy TDF Racing Schedule Challenge and reviews. The first distillation is coming around optimal cadence and why self-selected cadence is higher than optimal typically.
Check it out if that piques your interest. Thanks!