For about a year and a half, God has been illuminating some key points in the narrative of the Bible that connect Eden to our eternity. I am currently reading through the Bible and finding three key purposes given in Eden for humanity, which sin undid and distorted, that Christ fulfills and hands back to us in eternity (note New Earth and not the overemphasis on heaven so often taught), which we get to participate in presently through our inclusion in Christ and His body as empowered by the Holy Spirit. I feel called to write these out in blog posts and if it turns into a book, published or an e-book, so be it. I will create a category under theology called Taking It From the Top or From Eden To Eternity and am hoping to write it out.
Here are the works that have added fuel to the fire. After You Believe by NT Wright, Heaven by Randy Alcorn, The Temple and the Church’s Mission by GK Beale, The Lost World of Genesis One by John Walton and influence from Pastor Eddy Leo of AbbaLove in Jakarta along with some distilling done in a think tank group. Still to be read for research are Dominion and Dynasty by Stephen Dempster among others.
So what do I need from you? A swift kick in the seat if you see too long between posts in this emerging category beginning in 2011…
Ok so I’ve added this to my calender as a quaterly reminder, get ready for it. Trying to figure out how to add to FB as an event and invite folks so they can follow up with you and say; what happened? Looking forward to this…praying over you and the book..