How I wish my profile pic looked.

Stuff clangs around in my head.
Why? Because I’m an INTJ.
This is a place to get my thoughts into the light of day where they can become uncluttered, critiqued, and developed into useful ideas.
I write because I don’t know what I think until I read what I say.” – Flannery O’Connor.
Some might find the topics here a little eclectic for their tastes. Others might think, “Finally hope! I am not alone.”
And another thing! I am not optimizing this blog for SEO or anything really. I do that all day long in the real world for clients. This is the anti-that approach. Doing it on this site would give me tired-head. So I’m thinking you pretty much tripped and fell into this site like Alice.
Whatever my thoughts, I will strive to write with a tone of love and respect, even when critiquing, so that I don’t become another cymbal clanging out meaningless communication in an already noisy world (I Corinthians 13) . Here is a bit more about some things that make my neurons fire more rapidly . . .
Favorites in no particular order
authors who paint with words: Anne Lamont and Colum McCann
soul feeding authors: Thomas Watson and James S. Stewart
writing teacher: Roy Peter Clark
teams: Liverpool FC, Dallas Cowboys, Texas Longhorns, US Olympic
ride: my two runs down Innsbruck Bobsled track
exercise: i like to ride my bike, lots!
upscale restaurant: Saint Emilion, Fort Worth
downscale restaurant: Baja Mexican
rock music I like: , Radiohead, Son Lux, Sohn, John Butler Trio (previous lineup)
burning music you might not have heard of: check out good listens section
jazzers: Avishai Cohen Trio, Snarky Puppy, Wolgang Muthspiel
composers: Prokofiev, Shostakovich and other Russians,
classical piece: Sonata for Violin and Piano II: Lento (d.2 trck.2) (A. Copland opens itunes)
futbol players: Couhtino, Luis Suarez, Steven Gerrard,
guy who needs a beatdown: Pretty Boy Floyd Mayweather
family: great wife, three awesome kids (girl, boy, girl), two fantastic step-sons
current calling; Owner at Moon and Owl Marketing
past callings: Senior Account Executive at Miller Public Relations. Pastor of Teaching and Creativity, Pastor of Creative Communications and worship @NorthWood Church, leader of dropknee band, founder of The Clinic and
other jobs: swimming coach, distance runners coach, quasi-pro triathlete (back when the knees were young), driving range golf ball picker-upper (aka “target”)
preachers: Alistair Begg , James S. Stewart, Louie Giglio, John Piper
ancient preacher: John Chrysostom
Best birthday present ever??? Two runs down the 76 Olympic Innsbruck Bobsled Track with the current #1 Austrian driver Wolfgang Stampfer at 70+ mph. Amazing speed and a huge dream come true.
Sure. I’d be happy to review it. I added it to my wish list. Thank you!
Thanks for the post at my blog. The last time I lead “I Cannot Ignore” is April 2016!!! It’s one of my favorite songs, and I’m not ready to retire it yet. Great lyrics, a distinctive rhythm, and the only song I do with an Em9!
I heard you lead Fuel at a conference at Northwood many years ago. It really moved me, so I figured out the chords (best as I could) and have done it ever since. We help with an Operation Christmas Child relay center, and they have adopted Fuel as their theme song. We’ll be leading a group in singing it tomorrow. That song continues to resonate. Just wanted to say thanks.
Hi Jordan,
Ditto on the impact of “Fuel” even till today! Still worshipping to it. Thankful that Holy Spirit worked through you to bring that song to the world! God bless you sir!